Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Migraines and Sex: Part 2-Natural Remedies...Orgasms

Let's explore the paradox of sex triggering migraines and orgasms relieving them. I've experienced both. I have never been one of those women who refused sex using the excuse that "I have a headache." Come to think of it, I can't recall ever refusing sex period. Don't go calling Sexaholics Anonymous just yet. I'm not an addict! I just know that makes my head feel better. That juicy fact was discovered by accident only because I wasn't willing to stop just because my head felt like it was going to explode. In order for me to demand "coitus interruptus" the headache would have to be worse than the sex was good. That's never happened.

I'll have you know that I'm not alone and therefore not a freak, not certifiably anyway. In a study at the Headache Clinic at Southern Illinois University almost half of the women surveyed got complete relief from a migraine after the "Big O". Isn't it amazing how pain can be tempered by pleasurable distractions AKA a flood of endorphins? The more I learn, the more I like this treatment, especially when compared to pharmaceuticals. I can only see 2 side effects, being a bit high and drowsy. No problem since I'm not in the habit of driving a car or operating dangerous machinery immediately after "knocking boots".

Now that I'm armed with this study and my own personal experiments, during my next appointment I am demanding that my neurologist write me a prescription for the Kama Sutra. I can see me now trying to explain to Blue Cross and Blue Shield why that's medically necessary. So, if participating in the glorious union of 2 writhing bodies makes your head throb, just remember, keep your eye on the prize. Take it from me, chances are your head won't go boom, but if it does...what a way to go!


  1. So all you've got to do is switch it up a bit; orgasm first and the rest of the "act" later. Sounds good to me!

    Good luck with your "studies"!! Are you going to do a book report?

  2. By the way, when I was experiencing migraines, a friend of mine told me about and eventually brought me some "Migraleve" from overseas. Don't know whether it is still being made, but it worked well--there were two pills; one pink and one yellow. Pink for the headache and yellow if you were experiencing nausea.

    P.S. Orgams are also very good for stuffy noses and heads; clears me right up!

  3. IMHO orgasms are a panacea!!!!
